Monday, July 02, 2007

I Need A Day Off

I'm having some arm/hand fatigue, so I'll be taking today off (a lot of knitting was done over the weekend).

Matt and I ran up to Lancaster on Friday for the Floyd Landis book signing, but our directions had us get off the wrong exit (and we foolishly took 30) and we got there much later than we wanted. By then, the line was just way too long. Tonight's signing is right around the corner, so Matt's going to try again tonight.

Speaking of cycling, and the Tour de France, I got a TUE (Therapeutic Usage Exception) from Meg in my comments on Friday to start my TdF KAL project and I did get some work done on Fawne.

However, the big project is still the Shoalwater:

Shoalwater Vs Landscape
click to enlarge

I officially have 4 repeats done (however, the photo was taken a few rows short of that). Since I've decided to add an other repeat, that only gives me 68 more rows to go!!! I realized that the only way it can be too big is if it hits the floor, and I don't think that's going to happen. I know I won't be happy if it's too small, so bigger is better!!

I'm hoping the aching arm/hand thing clears up quickly and I can get back to work on it. Resting my hands is hard for me... almost everything I enjoy doing works them. I'm playing thru Okami again and I only have one stray bead to get. Yet, I think even a game controller might not be a good idea (let's just hope that it isn't the shingles again... tho' that's not likely, eh?)

I'm thinking that running the vacuum cleaner would be too much on my arm/hand too... right?


At 4:12 AM , Meg said...

glad you know the technical term for it! (the TUE) - but look after yourself, unlike the Tour riders you probably don't have a team of physios and masseurs following you around to tend to your every physical complaint!

At 2:16 PM , jackie said...

wow, that shoalwater shawl is looking just wonderful! can i ask what yarn you are using for it? A friend and i are both thinking about knitting this pattern, and we are shopping around for ideas--i'd love some advice if you have some time. I sure hope your arm/hand is feeling better soon so you can finish it up!


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