Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Just Swatches

Okay, if that naked butt picture of Tom Boonen (linked again just in case you missed it yesterday) didn't get you interested in cycling, then nothing will. Let's face it: cyclist have great butts (and amazing calves. While the guys will say they shave their legs for "practical reasons"... it makes road rash less painful and massage much easier... I think it's purely to show off their calf muscles).

I did my blog yesterday while watching the TdF, and I pretty much called it right, but I forgot to add that there's always a lot of crashes in the first week, too. I'm not a fan of the crashes. I know that some NASCAR fans watch just for crashes and that it adds excitement to the race. However, anyone that has a loved one who races and has heard that scraping of metal on pavement absolutely cringes at the sound. Its a very distinct sound.

We'll find out this morning if there was any fallouts from yesterday's crash... it's always amazing how many will still be on their bike today... even with injuries.

Today's tour will be thru the northern part of France... known more for the one day "classics". This is where the strong hardy riders do well (even if they aren't going over cobblestones). Keep on eye out for Thor Hushvold (yes, he DOES have the coolest name in the peleton), Tom Boonan and even George Hincapie. They know these roads and love the spring classics. It's an other day for the sprinters, so the strategy will be the same: an early break that will get caught with in site of the finish for a bunch sprint at the end.

I didn't get much interesting knitting/crocheting done yesterday. I am on the second sleeve on Fawne, but I've got the Yarn 101 class on Saturday and I want a lot of samples for class. So I spent yesterday basically swatching. No photos of a bunch of 20 X 28 knit sqaures (ooooh, it's just too exciting for pictures!!!). I'll do a few more today and block them, but I really really want to work a few rows on Shoalwater and do a few more rounds on the sleeve for Fawne.


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